Monday, May 5, 2008

Jet Lag (from Feb. 06)

Every once in a while, I get it in my head that life on the road would be glamorous and exciting. I become jealous of those who get to travel all over the country. They live in hotels, fly on planes, and eat out all the time. I think to myself what a wonderful life.

I don’t anymore. I traveled to San Diego on Thursday and returned home Saturday. I flew on a few planes, spent my nights in a hotel, and ate out every meal. It was not exciting. It was not glamorous.

By the time I came home, I was exhausted. Thursday never ended. I arrived there at 11:30 am (2:30pm my time). So by 7:00pm (10:00pm my time), I was ready for bed but the night was just beginning. Friday, I awoke at 5:00am (8:00am my time) not by choice. I couldn’t sleep. My roommate couldn’t either so he got up at 4:00am. On Saturday, I left San Diego at 12:00pm and arrived in Charlevoix at 12:00am.

This is not the life for me. I ended up staying home from work on Monday to recover.

What did I learn? I am not meant for the road. It is not a glamorous life. I need my rest. I like being home.

I am amazed at my ability to see things through colored glasses. I am amazed at my ability to think “the grass is greener” on the sides of life I am not experiencing. Don’t we all face this challenge? We look at how others live and we think their lives are so much better than ours. But more often than not, this is not true. The grass is not greener.

You can see this misperception raise its ugly head in all facets of our lives. We think . . .
a relationship with a different spouse would be better.
a new car will really fulfill me.
going in more debt to get what I want will be worth it.
most people are happier and live better than me.
life on the road is better than staying home.
a flat screen tv is better than a regular one.
eating out is better than eating in.
their family is happier than mine.
his job is better than mine.
. . . . . . . . and on and on it goes. You fill in your blanks.

It is not true. The grass is not greener. The life God offers to you is just that – the life God has given to you. And His offer is an amazing one.

One other piece I realized again is how much I miss being home. And home isn’t a building; it is being with Alisa and John. I missed home. Home is where I need to be. Home is where I want to be. When we think our home is someplace other than where God has placed us, we are living a lie. Home is where God has placed us. Home is with the people God has put in our lives. There is no better place to be.

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