Wednesday, November 5, 2008

No Risk - No Reward

Yep, I am doing a piece on gambling. Not really.

Following Jesus is about risks, don’t you think? Or maybe not. Maybe there is no risk because we have Jesus on our side. We have nothing to fear.

Maybe in a perfect world by perfect people, we would have no risk, but it is risk to us. It is a risk to be vulnerable. It is a risk to be honest. It is a risk to share our needs. It is a risk to admit our faith. We fear rejection. We fear ridicule. We fear people will think of us in ways we don’t want them to. So often, we don’t risk. We conform. We adapt. We become like a chameleon and just change our appearance and behavior to blend into the situation we’re in.

But just think about the risks you’ve taken. Think about the results.

The “rewards” I’ve experienced have come through risk. I moved to Michigan, away from family. I asked Alisa (a super young college woman out). I spoke in front of people. I’ve admitted failure. I’ve initiated new relationships. I’ve shared my heart with some. I’ve taken risks.

(Please don’t get me wrong. I don’t claim to be any role model risk-taker. I have also passed up many risk-taking opportunities. I have definitely turned away from many opportunities where God has called me to risk for Him.)

In the places I’ve been willing to risk, I’ve experienced the greatest reward. (Reward may not be the best word, but it is catchy for the title. Blessing is probably better.) God’s plan always involves risk. But being in God’s plan and experiencing the peace that comes with it, is truly a priceless blessing. I risked spending time with Lions, Wolverine, Spartan, Tiger, and Pistons fans. It was dangerous being a Minnesotan in this Michigander world. But the rewards/blessings have been well worth the risk. Not to say there haven’t been times of doubt. Sometimes the risks lead to rejection and I’ve questioned whether or not it was worth the risk. But time and time again through a variety of means, God has confirmed that being in His plan, risking for His sake, will lead to peace, blessing, good, transformation, and a growing willingness to trust Him instead of myself.

It is a risk to admit your failings to your spouse and ask for forgiveness – WORTH IT.

It is a risk to set aside your agenda and just “be” with your kid(s) – WORTH IT.

It is a risk to admit you don’t have the faith/God/Bible thing figured out and need help – WORTH IT.

It is a risk to open yourself up to your neighbor/co-worker – WORTH IT.

It is a risk to pray – WORTH IT.

It is a risk to pray that God would provide opportunities to share your faith – WORTH IT.

It is a risk to “store up treasures in heaven not here on earth.” - WORTH IT.

It is a risk to thank those who have impacted your life in positive ways – WORTH IT.

It is a risk to pray with others – WORTH IT.

Relationships are always a risk. But can you imagine your life without them? Can you imagine what it would be like to not have people in your life whom you love and whom love you?

Following Jesus means taking risks – trusting in Him and not yourself – walking by faith.

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