Thursday, July 5, 2012

Power source

I have a new daily workout.  It's sole intent is to help me abide in Christ.  I've been 'at it' for couple of weeks.  I'm so thankful for this help.

I am spending time alone without an agenda.  I'm back in Scripture without the need to 'use' it with others.  I'm journaling.  I'm listening.  I'm back into space with silence.  I've chosen some practices of abstinence.  I've also embraced a relationship with a coach.

All of this has come out of the invitation to be a part of the Faithwalking experience, which was started in Houston and now is making its way north.

As I began this opportunity, I kept reading in the materials how the daily workout, which is homework to be completed every week, is crucial, and the materials described it as "your power source."  I'm finding that to be true.  At first, I read this like I normally do - passive agreement, 'I get it', with little thought.  I'm really starting to finally get it, but not in some intellectual understanding, but through the experience of these past few weeks.

I really need this.  I need power outside of myself.  Let me say that again for MY OWN SAKE.  I need power outside of myself.  I need eyes beyond my own, helping to see myself clearly.  I need to be reminded of who God is and I need to hear what He is saying to me.  I need to let my mind have space to be still, to listen, and to let God get a word in.  I need solitude where I'm away from the distractions that ALWAYS come.  I need accountability in love which consistently asks, "Did I do the homework?"  "What am I hearing/seeing in the homework?"  "If I didn't do the homework, what has me stopped?"

I've always wrestled with a devotional time, both because I'm driven my performance - I want to look good, so I work on things that I think make me look good and because I don't want to 'limit' my time with God to an alloted time.  But what I'm coming to realize is that this scheduled, alloted time is critical to living the rest of my life with Him.  It is my power source.

What's your power source?  Are you plugged in?  (Sorry, just seemed like a fun and important way to end.  We can have power all around - even within - us and still live an disconnected life.)

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