Jesus came to show that the kingdom of God is at hand. It is here; it is coming fully when He returns. He calls us to proclaim the kingdom of God. He calls us to live under the reign of Christ and to invite others to see who truly is king. It is why we exist - to live in and proclaim to others the kingdom of God.
Jesus sits on the throne. He is the only one on the throne. His throne is above all other kingdoms, powers, nations, rulers, thrones, etc. There is no one outside of His reign. There is no one with authority apart from what He allows. He is the King. He will always be the King. For those in His kingdom, there is nothing to fear. His Kingship will never change. He will take care of those in His kingdom forever. He already is.
I’ve been receiving emails, usually forwards, as of late that make me sad. I even received a fax from a group of Christians which added to my sadness. It seems as if we’ve forgotten who is King and what Kingdom we dwell in.
We live in the United States of America, a fine nation with a remarkable history. There is much to respect in who the USA has been and the foundations upon which this nation has been built. We who live in this country are blessed in some unique ways because of the leaders who have gone before and the many who have sacrificed their lives to help this nation become who it is today.
But God does not love this country more than any other. In fact, I don’t think God is real interested in what country his people live in. He loves every one of them the same. He longs for every one of them to worship Him as King and become part of His Kingdom.
What I see in these emails/fax is fear. Fear that others are trying to take away our “Christian nation.” These emails say it is time to fight, to pray, and to demand we get back to what this nation was founded upon – Christian values. These letters make it seem as if we are victims of some evil plot that is being worked against us to undermine our Christian rights – to pray in schools, bear arms, publicize the Ten Commandments, etc. If we don’t vote the right way or fight for and against the right causes, “they” will take it away from us.
What could we possibly lose when we look at what we have? Is a human kingdom that answer?
A few things stand out to me:
1. We are not victims and we have nothing to fear. No matter what party or person is in power in the United States (or in any country for that matter), Jesus still sits upon His throne. And His Kingdom is the one we are seeking to build. I am not saying that we should have nothing to do with politics. I think we need to be involved and informed, but recognize it is a small part of a much larger role we are called to play – live in and proclaim the kingdom of God. That is not the responsibility of any government; it is the responsibility and privilege of the Church, the people who follow Jesus.
You are a child of God. You are forgiven. You have been promised eternal life with God through Christ. You can experience life, hope, peace, joy, and purpose TODAY. You are not a victim. There may be difficult times you will or have faced where you’ve experienced being a victim, but it is NOT your primary identity as a follower of Jesus. You are His. That is now who you are.
There is nothing to fear. We will be required to have courage, but not fear. Jesus is on the throne. The victory is assured. He is with us always no matter what challenges or difficulties we face. Like Stephen, you may be called to suffer, even die, for the sake of Christ, but you have nothing to fear. “Look, I see the heaven opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God.” (Acts 7:56) Someday we will see like Stephen. There is nothing to fear.
2. A lot of the information in these emails is inflammatory, deceptive, and often just plain untrue. At its core is a desire to manipulate you to act a certain way, especially to vote a certain way.
There is wrath, slander, malice and abusive language. Some are not just disagreeing they are name-calling and the intensity of the anger directed at people who hold different positions seems so misplaced. Some bear false witness. Some claim truth about another based on rumor, innuendo, and “what I read in an email” without doing the work to make sure it is true. Some often go with information that supports what they want to believe, even though they are not certain it’s true. Some are filled with judgment, hostility, and ridicule. And some claim this is done in the name of the cause of Christ. I can’t believe this does anything but grieve the heart of Christ. Our call to love people will never change no matter what positions they hold. We can disagree, but we cannot hate. We must love. Why? Because He first loved us.
3. Where is the passion for the kingdom of God? Where is the passion for those who are outside of the faith? Where is the willingness not simply to complain but to act for the causes of Christ? If we care so much for the unborn, why aren’t we actively serving organizations that help young mothers – not just with money but with time? Why aren’t we opening our homes and adopting the babies who are saved from abortion? Why don’t we pray instead of complaining that government won’t let us? Why don’t we live out the Ten Commandments instead of complaining they are not posted in public places? “They” cannot stop the cause of Christ. “They” cannot keep God’s will from taking place.
4. So often these attacks are focused on “they.” Who are “they”? “They” are people who definitely need to see and experience the love of Christ. When “they” are ridiculed, slandered, abused, and treated with malice, does that further the proclamation of the kingdom of God? I am not proposing we tolerate and accept unbiblical views and practices, I am suggesting we seek to overcome them through the primary means that Christ modeled – love.
Let’s not hide behind emails. Let’s stop practicing unchristian behavior in the name of Christ. Let’s stop putting our emphasis on the kingdoms of men, for we have a King and we live already in His Kingdom.
Proclaim Christ. Proclaim His Kingdom. Love people. Love them enough to become a part of their lives. Serve and give in those areas where your heart’s passions are kindled. Work for the cause of Christ. Vote, but don’t just vote. Don’t make pressing a button your primary activity for the cause of Christ this year. Give your whole life to Him.
When the Pharisees heard that he (Jesus) had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered together, and one of them, a lawyer, asked him a question to test him. “Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?” Jesus said to him, “You shall love the Lord you God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. Matthew 23:34-40
Are you acting in love? (See I Corinthians 13 for how God defines love).
Or are you acting in fear?
There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear; for fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not reached perfection in love. We love because he first loved us. Those who say, “I love God,” and hate their brothers and sisters, are liars; for those who do not love a brother or sister whom they have seen, cannot love God whom they have not seen. 1 John 4:18-20
One final thought: Jesus shows us something very important in John 17. He doesn’t pray for an end to poverty or oppression. He doesn’t pray for an end to suffering or corruption. He doesn’t pray for an end to war.
He prays for glory to come to Him. How? Through His Church. How will that happen? It happens when His Church is One,
I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one: I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the work know that you sent me and have loved them even as I have loved you.
John 17:22-23
Jesus prays for unity for His Church. They would be One, united in Christ, seeking His glory. Maybe it is because if His Church is One, then what follows is the fulfillment of His command: to love Him and to love the people of this world.
May nothing, not even politics and positions, keep us from being the One Church, united in Christ, seeking to proclaim His Kingdom and to worship Him as King.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
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